
By Katsushika Hokusai, Edo period, 19th century

By Utagawa Hiroshige, Edo period, dated 1857 (Ansei 4)

By Hishikawa Moronobu, Edo period, 17th century

By Iwasa Matabei, Edo period, 17th century

By Kishida Ryūsei, Dated 1921 (Taisho 10)

By Munechika, Heian period, 10-12th century, Donated by Watanabe Seiichirō

Reportedly found in Nagaoka City, Niigata, Jomon period, 3000-2000 BC
※歌の題材になったのは、国宝 火焰型土器(新潟・十日町市所蔵)です。
※The song is based on: Vessel with Flame-like Ornamentation (National Treasure); owned by Tokamachi City, Niigata (entrusted to the Tokamachi);

By Ogata Kōrin, Edo period, 18th century

Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties
By Kuroda Seiki, 1897 (Meiji 30)

Heian period, 12th century
※歌の題材になったのは、国宝 鳥獣人物戯画 甲巻(高山寺所蔵)です。
※The song is based on: Frolicking Animals, Vol. 1 (National Treasure);

Passed down by the Uesugi clan Signed "Nagai Tsunezumi", Edo period, 17th–18th century
※歌の題材になったのは、大野出目家7代、庸久作の能面 小面(観世家蔵)です。
※The song is based on: Noh Mask: Ko'omote by Ono Deme Yasuhisa Ⅶ; owned

Asuka period, 7th century

By Ogata Korin, Edo period, 18th century
※歌の題材になったのは、俵屋宗達筆の国宝 風神雷神図屏風(建仁寺所蔵)です。
※The song is based on: Wind God and Thunder God (National Treasure) by Tawaraya Sotatsu; owned by Kenninji

By Sakai Hōitsu, Edo period, 19th century

By Hasegawa Tōhaku, Azuchi-Momoyama period, 16th century

By Tōshūsai Sharaku, Edo period, dated 1794 (Kansei 6)

By Kusumi Morikage, Edo period, 17th century