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A Virtual Reality Content Project Implemented in Cooperation with TOPPAN Inc.

The National Center for the Promotion of Cultural Properties (CPCP), the Tokyo National Museum, and TOPPAN Inc. are working together on a virtual reality (VR) project. This project involves the collaborative planning and creation of VR content to be screened in the TNM & TOPPAN Museum Theater in the Tokyo National Museum.
The CPCP, the Tokyo National Museum, and TOPPAN Inc. will continue to develop methods for appreciating cultural properties which make use of VR and other digital technologies, providing as many people as possible with new ways of encountering and enjoying cultural properties.

Project Objectives

  • Expand opportunities for coming in contact with and promoting understanding of cultural properties through digital technologies.
  • Develop methods for the appreciation of cultural properties that make use of digital technologies.
TNM & TOPPAN Museum Theater

"Secrets of Screen Paintings: Wind God and Thunder God and Flowering Plants of Summer and Autumn" VR program
Supervision: Tokyo National Museum
Production: TOPPAN Inc.

The TNM & TOPPAN Museum Theater is located on floor B1 of the Tokyo National Museum’s Toyokan and uses VR to provide new ways of appreciating and experiencing cultural properties. The ultra-high definition VR images projected on the theater’s large screen (6.6m x 3.7m) allow viewers to fully appreciate the texture of each work along with miniscule details not normally visible to the naked eye. Live, guided sessions in which a navigator manipulates the VR imagery and interacts with the audience further deepens understanding of cultural properties.
Sessions are held daily from Wednesday to Sunday, when the Tokyo National Museum is open. Sessions are also held on Monday and Tuesday when they fall on a public holiday. The maximum audience capacity is 90 people.
For details, please see the TNM & TOPPAN Museum Theater website.